
Global safeguard and China-specific safeguard (market disruption) cases are a less common trade remedy in Canada. That being said, foreign manufacturers, exporters and importers may find an important source of revenue affected if they do not respond to a safeguard case. As a result, it is important to find experienced legal counsel who understand the WTO and domestic policy issues presented in a safeguard case.
LexSage has experience in global safeguard and China-specific (market disruption) cases. Cyndee Todgham Cherniak successfully acted for the Government of China in the two most recent Canadian safeguard cases CS-2005-001 “Outdoor Barbeques” and GC-2004-001/GC2004-002 “Bicycles and Finished Painted Bicycle Frames”.
In addition, Cyndee represented a number of foreign manufacturers, exporters, industry associations and importers in these safeguard cases. Further, Cyndee represented a group of furniture importers who successfully stopped a market disruption case against wood furniture from China (CS-2005-003), before it could be initiated in Canada. Cyndee has delivered presentations internationally about safeguard trade remedies and has been invited by foreign universities to lecture on trade remedies.
How can we help you?
- Has the Canadian International Trade Tribunal indicated that a safeguard case has been filed and you would like to make representations to the Tribunal defeat it before it can be initiated?
- Has the Canadian International Trade Tribunal initiated a global safeguard investigation or a market disruption investigation and you would like to participate in the proceedings?
- Do you require assistance completing a Canadian International Trade Tribunal questionnaire response?
- Would you like to make submissions to the Canadian International Trade Tribunal on scope or like product?
- Would you like to make submissions to the Canadian International Trade Tribunal concerning serious injury or lack thereof?
- Would you like to make submissions to the Canadian International Trade Tribunal on remedies?
- Would you like to testify in Canadian International Trade Tribunal proceedings?
- Would you like to file a product exclusion request with the Canadian International Trade Tribunal?
- Has the Canadian International Trade Tribunal made a finding and recommendations for safeguards to be imposed?
- Would you like to make representations to the Minister of International Trade and/or Minister of Foreign Affairs against implementing the Canadian International Trade Tribunal recommendations?
- Would you like us to analyze the decision and prepare a report concerning compliance with the WTO Agreement on Safeguards?

Additional Information about LexSage
Cyndee Todgham Cherniak is recognized as a leading lawyer in the area of customs and trade laws, including:
- The International Who’s Who of Trade and Customs Lawyers (2010, 2011, 2012)
- The International Who’s Who of Business Lawyers: Canada (2011, 2012)
- The Legal Media Group Guide to the World’s Leading International Trade Lawyers (2007 – present)
- The Legal Media Group Guide to the World’s Leading Women Lawyers in Business (2010-2011, 2012-2013)
- The Legal Media Group Guide to the World’s Leading China Lawyers – International Trade Lawyers (2011/2012)
- Chamber’s Global: The World’s Leading Lawyers for Business (2006 – present)
- Canadian Legal Lexpert® Directory (2004-2007).